Administration at ECIU Micromodules / Challenges
A field report by Daniel Christ (Institute of Environmental Technology and Energy Economics)

The European Consortium of Innovative Universities (ECIU) is a network of currently 13 member universities. In the current phase of extending the shared curriculum, at TUHH several courses are opened for the other universities. Some courses have even been newly created. The internationalization process comes with increased digitalization to enable digital mobility in times of Corona and changing the language of teaching from German to English. The modules are now designed to support the students while they work on their ECIU challenges. This winter term 2020/2021, a few challenges have already taken place, with more to follow in the upcoming year.
Structured registration and communication procedures for both international students and the TUHH institutes which want to offer their courses as ECIU micro-modules are important to smoothen the processes and improve the ECIU experience. The objective of establishing such procedures should be to allow international students, institutes, and challenge participants to register in a coherent and transparent manner, to collect all registrations centrally, and to communicate them to CBL challenge coordinators.
Each university in the ECIU consortium has its own internal regulations, registration requirements, and communication structures. Many motivated and competent TUHH staff members are working to keep the procedures simple for international students. The following guideline is divided into the section for international students and CBL challenge leaders.
Points of Contact for the International Students
With the aim of making it more convenient for international students to participate in CBL challenges with the ECIU consortium and to be fully embedded in the TUHH process, the following relevant TUHH staff members are introduced and their roles explained.
Jutta Janzen ( coordinates incoming international students. She has plenty of experience in dealing with all bureaucratic challenges and coordinates access to TUHH internal structures for international students, such as access to the TUHH e-learning platform. If you have any questions regarding administrative procedures, Ms. Janzen is the right person to contact.
Nicole Frei ( is manager of internationalization at TUHH. All procedures of the increasing internationalization at the TUHH converge at her office. Ms. Frei coordinates the internal communication between the administrative level and the content provision. In case of any open questions, Ms. Frei finds a solution and communicates transparently within TUHH and the international students.
Points of Contact for the Institutes
With the aim of helping TUHH lecturers who want to make their current course available to the ECIU and welcome some international students in the coming semesters to get started, the following relevant TUHH staff members are introduced and their tasks explained.
Sascha Diedler ( coordinates the CBL challenges and courses provided by the ECIU. If you have any questions about which additional administrative steps are necessary, how and when an enrollment for the ECIU can take place, and whether a current teaching module could be suitable for the ECIU, Mr. Diedler will be glad to help.
Nicole Frei ( represents the hub between the administrative and content levels and can be consulted for any questions regarding the internationalization of your courses. Ms. Frei and her team will certainly find adequate solutions and ensure an easy entry into the world of international CBL challenges.
Dr. Dorothea Ellinger ( and Siska Simon ( at the Centre of Teaching and Learning are pleased to help you with Challenge-Based Learning. If you have any questions about Challenge-Based Learning as a pedagogical approach or need specific support in setting up the Challenge-Based Learning cycle, team learning processes or formative assessment and feedback in a module, please do not hesitate to contact them.