Past Challenges at TUHH
Come up with potential solutions for portable water treatment devices/systems/materials capable of removing or inactivating pathogens present in the water. This potential solution can be enclosed in a completely new idea/design/solution or in an idea/design/solution that would enable portability to a current already-existent commercial water treatment system/device/material. In this process, the team should consider material aspects, engineering and processing aspects, and also stakeholder perspectives (who could use and profit from such a solution?). More information
We want to contribute to making our cities sustainable. At Hamburg University of Technology, engineers are taught to take responsibility and shape a sustainable future with new technologies. We want to develop a climate neutral campus with innovative ideas and bold solutions and thereby, advance climate protection and reduce CO2 production. What does it look like in your city? Develop a concept that enables the TUHH to have a climate neutral campus in the future.
Participation in this Challenge is considered and recommended as preparation for a follow-up larger challenge that involves writing a master thesis or an equivalent recognition with respect to a workload of about 900 hours (or about 30 ECTS). Participants of this challenge can deepen their understanding of the topic by continuing in a six-month strategic challenge and work towards their master thesis. Participating in the second challenge is not mandatory though. More information
Population and production growth have resulted in a demand for higher capacities of urban transportation systems. Today, traffic is the number one occupier of public space in Hamburg. That has led to unsatisfactory conditions regarding traffic flow and traffic jams. Making more public space usable again for the residents therefore calls for innovation and creative approaches. Develop a concept for making more public space usable by interlinking sustainable transportation systems. Bear in mind the urban residents’ wants for cultural and social offers in public spaces. More Information
Bicycles offer an environmentally sustainable and space saving means of individual transportation in cities and are especially well suited for short to medium-length routes. Today, cyclists in the city of Hamburg often find themselves in unsafe situations. Develop a creative concept to quickly expand the network of bike lanes in one district of Hamburg of your choice or find a solution for better bike connections between districts. Use an approach that incorporates the modification of diverse intelligent traffic systems within the city while keeping the safety of cyclists in mind. More Information
Population and production growth have resulted in a demand for higher capacities of urban transportation systems. Today, traffic is the number one occupier of public space in Hamburg. That has led to unsatisfactory conditions in regards to traffic flow and traffic jams.

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The course introduces participants to the mathematical framework of image processing and the mathematical techniques to tackle problems of mathematical imaging, including contrast enhancement, denoising, edge detection, sharpening, inpainting, segmentation and registration.
The course consists of a weekly lecture and an exercise session with weekly assignments to be completed in groups.

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- Teaching of process engineering fundamentals for the production of alternative fuels, including biofuels, hydrogen, PTL
- Sustainability aspects of alternative fuels – identification, analysis and evaluation
- Overview of climate policy instruments – focus on regulatory mechanisms in transport
- Defossilisation of road traffic – possibilities, perspectives and limitations of technologies
- Economic consideration and CO2 avoidance costs of
alternative fuels

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- Theoretical basics of Enterprise Resource Planning with a special focus on sustainability
- Application of the theoretical basics in practical execution in SAP S/4HANA
- Application example: Production of (e)bikes
- Implementation of the ECIU Challenge on sustainable mobility in Östergötland, Sweden