On September 16th 9am – 4pm (CEST) we offer an online workshop Challenge-Based Learning: Teaching and learning based on a real challenge with external partners. In this workshop you will get to know the format and it‘ s characteristics using examples from the ECIU University. You get the opportunity to discuss a transfer to your own teaching with experienced colleagues. While the morning (9-12 am, CEST) will be dedicated to the basic principles of this format, the afternoon (1 – 4 pm, CEST) will focus on teamwork and the inclusion of Livelong Learner. The workshop will be held in English and German and is open to all tea(m)chers from the ECIU network up to 30 participants. Please register here: tuhh.de/zll/anmeldung_zll-ws/ latest September 9th.
For more information please contact Dorothea Ellinger (send an e-mail) or Siska Simon (send an e-mail).