ECIU Learning Opportunities anbieten
Do you want to participate in the development of innovative teaching/learning offers based on Challenge-Based Learning or create micro-modules?
Then please feel free to contact us!
Members of the TUHH can get involved as a Teamcher and accompany their own challenge, participate as a subject expert in a challenge or open their own course to students of the European partners of the ECIU network and offer it as a micromodule.
Not employed at TUHH? You can also participate with your company, start-up, administrative unit, association, NGO or network as a challenge provider, subject matter expert, sponsor or as a learner in a challenge team.
As a Teamcher in a Challenge
As Academic Advisor in a Strategic Challenge (Challenge + Master thesis)
The Teamcher supports the ECIU Challenge teams by:
– Helping to establish preliminary work processes and team activities throughout the Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) cycle (Engage-Investigate-Act)
– Guiding the work process with pedagogical expertise in interdisciplinary, intercultural, and international teamwork
– Assisting in resolving potential conflicts and challenging situations to keep the CBL process on track
– Using didactic methods that foster innovative and creative thinking, boosting the team members’ confidence and empowering them to take charge of their own learning process
Eldebo et al. (2022) identified three main roles required in CBL to manage these tasks: (1) the role of the Teacher, which focuses on knowledge; (2) the role of the Coach, which focuses on skills; and (3) the role of the Organizer, which focuses on the challenge framework.
Be a co-creator in the development of innovative educational programs and study offerings at TUHH based on Challenge-Based Learning and the creation of micromodules tailored to the needs of learners.
Participating in the ECIU University offers the opportunity to find solutions to today’s most pressing societal and economic challenges.
In addition, working with the ECIU University gives you the chance to help shape one of the first European universities paving a new path for education at the European level.
When planning and preparing challenges—from the initial idea to feedback and evaluation concepts—or addressing immediate challenges in student teams, Ms. Siska Simon is available to support you.
The Center for Teaching and Learning at TUHH offers at least one annual introduction to the fundamental principles of Challenge-Based Learning, teaching in international contexts, or Blended Learning. Please check the current workshop offerings here:
As a member of TUHH, you also have access to all continuing education and workshop offerings of the ECIU network. You can find them here:
– Supervision and grading of each Master’s thesis created within the framework of the CBL process
– Support for learners and feedback on the combination of the challenge and the thesis
– Maintaining contact with all parties involved (e.g., challenge providers, main responsible persons, coaches, participants)
– Organizing contact with external experts
– Active participation in milestone meetings and sessions for academic advisors of the strategic challenge (approximately seven sessions in total)
– Actively participating in the various phases of the challenge by providing feedback and networking with other advisors and their Master’s students.
Advisors who participated in the first strategic challenge of the ECIU in 2022 mentioned the following benefits:
– They have the opportunity to network with international, interdisciplinary experts who share their interests and lay the groundwork for future collaboration.
– They are part of a project that offers students a unique opportunity to write their Master’s thesis.
– Increased motivation among students when writing their Master’s thesis.
– A more structured approach to thesis development.
– A positive impact on the quality of the theses; students see their own topics in a broader context.
Here is a brief summary and a video with the results of the first Strategic Challenge of the ECIU in 2022: ECIU Strategic Challenge Results.
Two participants from the first Strategic Challenge of the ECIU in 2022 later provided the following interviews with their personal experiences:
– Gained Unique Experience with International Master’s Thesis
– She Took on the Challenge of Creating Climate-Neutral Campuses
The Strategic Challenge is a six-month ECIU challenge that offers Master’s students a unique learning experience. It involves writing a Master’s thesis (expected workload of about 900 hours or approximately 30 ECTS), which is related in some way to the theme of the challenge. The maximum of 30 ECTS encompasses both the writing of the Master’s thesis and the work on the challenge, as it is assumed that both will be mutually beneficial. Assessment and grading are conducted according to the guidelines and regulations of the home university.
For detailed information, please visit: Strategic Challenge Information.
As expert in a micromodule
Partner from industry, business and the public
ECIU Micro-Modules are short learning offerings ranging from 1-5 ECTS, aimed at developing new skills and overarching competencies. They can bridge knowledge gaps and promote skills necessary for successful participation in ECIU University Challenge-Based activities.
These learning offerings can include seminars or lectures from the TUHH module catalog, in which students from ECIU partner universities can participate online, self-study courses, online language courses, or summer schools.
ECIU micro-modules typically consist of asynchronous online teaching and learning. The language of instruction is English, and they cover one of the following content areas:
– Cross-cutting interpersonal competencies or
– Expansion in knowledge areas or
– Deepening of knowledge areas.
They should align with the ECIU Qualification and Competence Framework, which is based on the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) and the European Skills, Competences, Qualifications, and Occupations.
When planning and preparing micro-modules—from the initial idea to feedback and evaluation concepts—or when facing acute challenges in student teams, Dorothea Ellinger is happy to assist you.
To ensure that the challenges are real-world issues, TU Hamburg is seeking partners from industry, companies, and the public sector who are willing to contribute the following:
-A willingness to work collaboratively with students and researchers on a relevant challenge, which will thematically relate to SDG 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities”: to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable.
-Participation in a moderated workshop with students and other stakeholders from the university, aiming to develop a challenge that is suitable for piloting the format and motivating for the students.
- Designation of a specific contact person for process support.
-You network with the international workforce of the future.
-You gain new perspectives and solutions to real challenges in your field.
-You gain access to the network and other innovative stakeholders of the ECIU.
-You make a crucial contribution to the modernization of higher education.
-You decide how much you can and want to contribute—anything from availability as an external expert to ongoing project participation is possible.
You can get involved in the challenges and Micro-Modules in many different ways and in various roles!
Ms. Anna-Lena Glesinski would be happy to discuss how this can look specifically for you or the employees from your company, startup, association, network, or administrative unit.