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ECIU Learning Opportunities

The ECIU University are 14 universities working together to reinvent the way you learn. On our brand new platform, you can discover and join learning opportunities to boost your skills and competences, and work on real-life problems with people across Europe.

ECIU University challenges are learning opportunities organised by the ECIU member institutions.
These challenges are open to all enrolled students of ECIU member universities and all continuous learners from the countries of the ECIU member universities. With these challenges, learners can work on real-life problems, provided by businesses, public organisations and societal partners across Europe. Our challenges are tackled using a challenge-based learning approach, a multidisciplinary setting, and an international environment. Browse all our TUHH challenges.

In 2023, the challenges revolve around the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal No. 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities. The four main thematic topics are:  Circular Economy;  Energy and Sustainability;  Resilient Communities;  Transport and Mobility.

Additionally, we also focus on Entrepreneurship, technology and innovation.
Participating in a challenge will make learners gain unique experiences and professional, transversal and personal skills. Furthermore, these challenges will give learners first-hand experience and possibilities to contribute to real societal change. Check-out all available Challenges here.
In the challenge-based learning approach, learners will work together with teachers, public stakeholders, experts, businesses, and societal organisations. In addition to this, learners may choose from a variety of micro-modules (short courses) that can support learners to better solve the challenge.

ECIU micro-modules are short learning experiences aiming at developing new skills and transversal competences. They can fill knowledges gaps and boost capabilities needed to successfully engage in ECIU University challenge-based activities, so ECIU University can provide recommendations for suitable micro-modules per challenge or per the learner’s needs. Nevertheless, it is not a requirement to participate in a challenge to enroll in a micro-module. Browse through all micro-modules.

With this learning approach, learners, teachers, researchers, and representatives of businesses and public organisations join forces across a variety of disciplines to solve real-life problems. It follows a specific structure consisting of three main steps: Engage, Investigate and Act, letting learners be active participants and co-creators in the process. Find out more about CBL here.

Die ECIU University folgt der EU-Ratsempfehlung enthaltene Definition für Microcredentials:
„Microcredentials sind Nachweise über die Lernergebnisse, die eine Lernende bzw. ein Lernender im Rahmen einer weniger umfangreichen Lerneinheit erzielt hat. Diese Lernergebnisse werden anhand transparenter und eindeutig definierter Kriterien beurteilt. Lernerfahrungen, die zum Erhalt von Microcredentials führen, sind so konzipiert, dass sie den Lernenden spezifische Kenntnisse, Fertigkeiten und Kompetenzen vermitteln, die dem gesellschaftlichen, persönlichen, kulturellen oder arbeitsmarktbezogenen Bedarf entsprechen. Microcredentials sind Eigentum der Lernenden, können geteilt werden und sind übertragbar. Sie können eigenständig sein oder kombiniert werden, sodass sich daraus umfangreichere Qualifikationen ergeben. Sie werden durch eine Qualitätssicherung gestützt, die sich an den im jeweiligen Sektor oder Tätigkeitsbereich vereinbarten Standards orientiert.“

Mehr Informationen aus dem BMBF.

Das Whitepaper der ECIU steht hier zum Download bereit:  MC_Paper 3 ECIU

ECIU’s Flexible Learning Pathways concept allows learners to personalize their learning and maintain control over their learning materials. Learners can customize their learning pathway to meet their needs, interests, and circumstances at different stages of life. ECIU’s Flexible Learning Pathways offer varying lengths and depths of learning experiences with the flexibility to choose challenges and micromodules. Learn more on ECIU’s teaching/learning platform.

The Flexible Learning Pathways concept paper is available for download here: A3.4 Flexible-Learning-Pathways-ECIU

ECIU partner Politechnika Łódzka produced the following sort videos to introduce Challenges, Micromodules and Microcredntials. Have a look!