Durch die Bewältigung von Herausforderungen lernen und zeigen Studierende, was sie können, und können sich Berufe vorstellen, die sie vorher nie in Betracht gezogen haben.
Einige Beispiele
Stanford Student Space Initiative (2017)
In the past, only governments and large corporations could afford the high cost of earth observation and atmospheric data collection. A high-altitude balloon system called ValBal flies for days at a time at a cost under $1,000, putting it within reach of start-ups and even hobbyists. More information
ECIU university: Challenge Plattform
InGenious is one of the ‘Challenge-Based Innovation & Learning’ initiatives of ECIU University. It frames real life challenges into practical forms for students and other ‘learners’ to work on and to come up with practical solutions for (parts of) the challenge. More information
CBL based Study program @ U Twente
The Bachelor’s program in Technology, Liberal Arts and Sciences (ATLAS) is a three-year educational program taught entirely in English at University Twente. The study program follows a self-designed, self-regulated learning concept in the ideas of challenges besed learning. It means no fixed courses, no conventional exams, no grades. More informations
This informational webpage about Challenge-Based Learning is part of an Innovation of Ecucation lab of ECIU university and a product of workpackage 3.
The European Commission’s support for the production of the ECIU University content does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.